Emulating Canvas fillText in Firefox 3.0
After running into problems with canvas-text I wrote this code to emulate the html5 canvas text methods in firefox 3.0. It's not a complete implementation but it should be enough for most cases.
if(proto.mozMeasureText && !proto.measureText) { proto.__defineSetter__('font', function(x) { this.mozTextStyle = x;}); proto.__defineGetter__('font', function() { return this.mozTextStyle;}); } if(proto.mozMeasureText && !proto.measureText) { proto.measureText = function(text) { return {'width': this.mozMeasureText(text)}; }; } if(proto.mozPathText && !proto.strokeText) { proto.strokeText = function(text, x, y) { this.translate(x, y); this.mozPathText(text); this.stroke(); this.translate(-x, -y); }; } if(proto.mozDrawText && !proto.fillText) { proto.fillText = function(text, x, y) { this.translate(x, y); this.mozDrawText(text); this.translate(-x, -y); }; }